Becoming A Driver Ed Instructor

Why Driver Ed Matters
Studies show that teens who complete an ODOT-approved driver education course in Oregon greatly reduce their chances of being in a fatal crash. They also have fewer traffic convictions and suspensions. But to achieve those results, aspiring drivers need guidance and teaching. That’s where you come in. Become an ODOT-approved Driver Ed instructor, and not only will you be making our roads safer, but you’ll be:
- Saving lives in your community – literally!
- Helping parents, since teens taught to drive solely by their parents are nearly three times more likely to be involved in serious crashes than those taught by pros.
- Gaining valuable teaching skills and classroom management experience.
- Earning some extra income – and not paying for tuition. It’s free for Oregonians!
- Making a difference by helping teens develop lifelong safe driving habits.
Do You Have What It Takes?
Oregon Administrative Rules require all Driver Ed instructors who teach for an Oregon Department of Transportation – Transportation Safety Office (ODOT-TSO) approved program to complete an approved instructor training series.
In addition to taking the training classes, approved Driver Ed instructors must also meet the following criteria:
- Meet the Qualifications of an Approved ODOT-TSO Instructor. Read:
- Be 21 years old
- Have current First Aid & CPR certification
- Hold a valid driver license, with 3 years of driving privileges
- Complete a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education every two years.
- Teach a minimum of 30-hours in an ODOT-TSO approved program every two years.
Must Not
- Have more than one ticket in the preceding 12 months or more than two within the preceding 24 months
- Have any drug or alcohol-related traffic violation within the preceding five years.
- Have a driver’s license suspension, cancellation, revocation or denial within the preceding three years.
- Have a conviction for any of the crimes listed in OAR 737-015-0070 (A criminal history check is required before beginning the training program).
It is very important to ensure that you have the proper equipment before the course starts MUST HAVE:
- Laptop (both Mac and PC are acceptable) – to be brought to class each week
- Basic level of proficiency in the use of your computer software. (Be able to open, change, save as, upload, download, and send documents, and navigate web pages.)
- Microsoft Office
- Adobe Reader
- Internet access
- NO Chromebooks